➣A jury has found both Amber Heard and Johnny Depp liable for defamation in their lawsuits against each other. The jury awarded significantly more damages to Depp, a legal win for the “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor.
※jury 陪審、陪審員団 12人の陪審員(juror)から成る
※be liable for〔法的に〕~に責任を持つ、~の責任を負う
※defamation 名誉毀損、(誹謗)中傷、悪口
※award(賞などを)授与する、(判決や裁定で)認める、与える 名詞で審判、裁定、判決
➣A jury sided with Johnny Depp in his libel lawsuit against ex-wife Amber Heard, vindicating his allegations that Heard lied about Depp abusing her before and during their brief marriage.
※side with〔議論などで〕~の側に付く、~に味方する
※vindicate 〔疑念を〕晴らす、〔無実を〕証明する、〔汚名を〕そそぐ
➣Depp sued Heard, his ex-wife, for defamation over a 2018 op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post in which she described herself as a "public figure representing domestic abuse." Though Depp was not named in the article, he claims it cost him lucrative acting roles.
※op-ed =opposite editorialの略
※lucrative 利益のあがる、儲かる
➣Depp, a three-time best actor Oscar nominee, had until recent years been a bankable star.
Heard’s acting career has been more modest.
➣Throughout the trial, fans —overwhelmingly on Depp’s side —would line up overnight for coveted courtroom seats.
Spectators gathered on the streets to cheer Depp and jeer Heard.
※coveted 誰もが欲しがる、熱望する
※jeer 野次る、あざける、冷やかす
➣the high-profile defamation case
➣closely watched stand-off.
➣The case captivated millions through its gavel-to-gavel television coverage.