➣Arema FC supporters stormed the pitch after their team lost 3-2 to the visiting team and bitter rivals, Persebaya Surabaya.
※storm the pitch ➾take to the pitch、invade the pitch、pour the pitchなども
※pitch=名詞:イギリス英語でクリケットやサッカーなどの競技場、試合場 football fieldもOK
※bitter rival恨み重なる相手、激しく競り合う競争相手

➣Thousands of angry home fans invaded the pitch and police responded with tear gas that triggered a stampede.
※stampede 家畜の群れが驚いてどっと逃げ出すこと、総崩れ、大勢が押し寄せること、殺到 ➾crushもあった
➣At least 17 children were killed in the deadly crush while trying to escape the overpacked football stadium as police fired tear gas to disperse the spectators running amok.
※disperse 四散させる、分散する
※run amok逆上して暴れる、手に負えなくなる、異常な状態になる

➣Many of the victims were trampled or choked to death, authorities said.
※trample 強く踏みつける 圧死するbe trampled to death かbe crushed to death
※choke 窒息させる、〔人を〕絞殺する ➾suffocate

➣Sho Yamamoto and his teammates were trapped aboard an armored vehicle inside the stadium for nearly two hours as they watched the chaos outside.
➣Sadness and anger were on display at candle-lit vigils across the country.
※vigil 寝ずの番、徹夜の祈り
➣Mourners gathered outside the gates of the stadium to lay flowers for the victims.
➣Volatile crowds and violent fan groups have long been a hallmark of Indonesian soccer.
➣Football is the most popular sport in Indonesia and the domestic league is widely followed. Fans are strongly attached to their clubs, and such fanaticism often ends in violence and hooliganism.
※hooliganismフーリガン行為、不良行為、暴動事件 hooligan=サッカーの試合であばれる不良観客集団