➾Two-time Winter Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu said He would step away from competitive figure skating and turn professional.
➾go pro / become pro
➾Yuzuru Hanyu, the two-time Olympic champion, said that he would no longer participate in competitions.
➾Hanyu won back-to-back gold medals at the 2014 Sochi Games and the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics.
※back-to-back =①家や座席が背中合わせの ②連続的な、続けざまの
➾He finished fourth overall and, for the first time in three Olympics, left empty-handed. (何の収穫もなく、手ぶらで)
He had been noncommittal until the July 19 news conference at a Tokyo hotel.

➣ “My competitive career (競技人生) is over, but from now on, I want to skate still battling against my past self but also accepting my present self at the same time.”
※my past self過去の自分 ➾the old me
※my present self 今の自分
➣ His road to Beijing was fraught with injuries. The International Skating Union acknowledged that Hanyu was the first skater to attempt a quad axel in an ISU-sanctioned competition.
※be fraught with ~に満ちた
※sanction ①認可する ②制裁措置をとる
➣"I want to keep going for it. I'd absolutely love to nail the quad axel and share it with everyone."
※nail=(米俗)うまくやる、確実にものにする、~で成功する ⇒land the quad axel

➣Hanyu hails from Sendai. He won the World Junior Championships in 2010 when he was 15. He was practicing at a rink in Sendai when the Great East Japan Earthquake hit in March 2011. His family’s house there was damaged as well, and the four of them had to spend some time in a shelter.

➣Ever since 2010, when he was seen toting a box of tissues with Winnie the Pooh on it, his legion of supporters have showered the ice with hundreds of stuffed Pooh bears rather than traditional flowers whenever he competes. They nearly covered the ice in a blanket of yellow when Hanyu triumphed at games.

➣Yuzuru Hanyu has a rare combination of showmanship(注目を集める腕前) and artistry(芸術性、芸術的手腕) on the ice. Hanyu, at 23 in 2018, became the youngest recipient of the People’s Honor Award.