
➣To celebrate the unprecedented anniversary, a number of events have taken place around the UK this year.
It all culminates in a four-day national bank holiday weekend from Thursday, June 2 until Sunday, June 5, known as the Platinum Jubilee Weekend.
In the UK, royal celebrations are typically held in the summer to allow for better weather.
※バンク・ホリデー (bank holiday) は、イギリスおよび王室属領における公休日
Several jubilees have punctuated(区切りを入れる) the Queen's reign since her accession to the throne in 1952: the Silver Jubilee, marking 25 years in 1977; the Golden Jubilee celebrations for 50 years in 2002; and the Diamond Jubilee commemorations a decade ago for her 60th anniversary.

➣The Queen, then aged 25, acceded to the throne on February 6, 1952 on the death of her father, King George VI.
No other monarch(君主) in British history has achieved 70 years of service.
➣She is the longest-ruling monarch in British history.
※即位する ascend to the throneやsucceed to the throneもOK
即位式=coronation(ceremony) enthronement
➣The Queen made a surprise appearance in a comedy sketch with Paddington Bear during a star-studded Platinum Jubilee concert at Buckingham Palace.
Paddington joined the monarch in the recorded sketch before pop band Queen opened the musical performances. Diana Ross, Sir Rod Stewart and Duran Duran were among the other big names.

ロイヤルファミリーはPlatinum Jubileeがバルコニーに姿を見せました。ラストを飾る英国王立空軍=Royal Air Forceによる祝賀飛行は残念ながら悪天候でキャンセルとなりました。
➣The Queen makes an customary appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony as the remarkable Platinum Jubilee pageant draws to a close.(閉幕時)
※customary 慣例の
※pageant 一連のショー、華麗なもの
➣The world famous Red Arrows have delighted the nation this bank holiday with their Platinum Jubilee flypast - but their last display has been cancelled last minute due to the rain and poor visibility.
※flypast 儀礼飛行、祝賀飛行 → flyover