
➣A plenary session of the House of the Councilors has passed a revision to the penal code (刑法)to integrate two categories of confinement--“choeki” and “kinko”--into one called “kokin.”

※confinement=監禁 ➾imprisonment


➣Choeki, which means imprisonment with prison labor. Choeki obliges prisoners to carry out designated work. Kinko, in comparison, means imprisonment without labor.


➣Among newly imprisoned inmates in 2020, only 0.3% were not sentenced to imprisonment with labor.  Of those who were sentenced to imprisonment without work, about 80% engaged in such labor of their own volition.

※inmate=囚人、(病院・刑務所などの)収容者 in中の+mate仲間

➾convict/ the convicted有罪になった人 

※volition 〔意思の力による〕選択、決定、決断=will

of/out of one's own volition=自主的に、自ら進んで[選んで]


➣Now, 115 years after the enactment of the Penal Code, the line between imprisonment with and without labor has become blurred.


➣There is seen to be less need to differentiate between “with labor” and “without labor,” and a greater need to focus on correction and prevention of recidivism.



➣Inmates in Japanese prisons are graying, with 2,143 of them aged 65 or older in the year 2020, or 140% more than the number in 2000. Some are having difficulty engaging in normal prison work due to reduced physical strength and cognitive function.                                               

※cognitive function 認知機能


➣The worsening recidivism rates were also a major factor for the revision. Of those detained by police for criminal offenses in 2020, the recidivism rate reached a record high of 49.1%.

※recidivism rate再犯率、累犯率 recidivism悪事を繰り返すこと、犯罪を重ねること、累犯、常習的な悪行

動詞=recidivate ラテン語で元の状態に戻る、再び転落する recidivist常習犯人(の)


➣The change is aimed at promoting the rehabilitation of criminals by providing programs better suited to the needs and characteristics of individual prisoners.

見出し:Possible revision to Japan's Penal Code to emphasize rehabilitation over retribution


※retribution (特に悪業などに対する相当の)報い、仕返し、報復

➣Punishments under the current Penal Code are aimed at preventing recidivism and, in essence, have long been interpreted as a form of retribution. But in recent years, the concept of rehabilitation has begun to win ground over punishment.