Major confectionery maker Meiji Holdings Co said that it will end sales of its long-selling “Chelsea” candy series, which has been on sale for 53 years, at the end of March.
※end sales➾cease sales/discontinue
Launched in 1971, Chelsea candy quickly became a household name in Japan, offering butter, yogurt, coffee, and royal milk tea flavors.
※household name誰もが知っている名前
Sales peaked at about 2.5 billion yen in fiscal 2002 and declined to about 500 million yen in fiscal 2022. The company explained that “profitability has deteriorated due to the sluggish sales caused by changes in the market environment and customer needs.” “Fifty-three years of continuous sales will end in March. Thank you everyone. Many years of patronage.”
※deteriorate 悪化する
※patronage 愛顧、ひいき、支援、賛助
印象に残るメロディーのCM曲 「♪ホォ~ラ、チェルシーィ、もひとつ、チェルシーィ♪」作曲家は故小林亜星氏です。多くのCM曲を手掛け、anthology(作品集、名曲集、名画集、詩選集)も出ています。 antho 花 + logy 言葉
The late composer Asei Kobayashi is famous for its collection of classic commercial jingles. He churned out a host of very popular TV ad tunes, including for Hitachi Ltd. ("Konoki nannoki"), Suntory ("Yoru ga kuru"), Meiji Co. ("Meiji Chelsea no uta") and Bridgestone Corp. ("Dokomademo iko").
※jingleチリンチリンと鳴る音 jingles(TVやラジオのコマーシャルの)調子のいい短い歌、聞くと特定の商品を思い浮かべる
※churn out大量生産する

製菓業界では、アメやガムの市場の多くをグミが吸収してしまったとされています。最近は"高弾力 "食感のグミが人気。
Gummy candies with harder textures win new fans(見出し)
※texture 手触り、質感、歯ごたえ、食感
※Convenience stores and supermarkets have increasingly put a certain type of candy on their shelves: gummies.
Many gummy products are adorned with words describing their texture, such as “high elasticity” and even “crunchy.”
※elasticity弾性 形容詞:super elasticとかchewy等
It is known that chewing increases blood flow to the brain and promotes the secretion of serotonin, called the ‘happy hormone.’ Since the novel coronavirus pandemic, many people have tended to shun gum, as they must remove their masks for disposal.
※shun 避ける
※disposal 処分