LDP factions have traditionally set their lawmakers quotas for fundraising party tickets, usually priced at 20,000 yen. When lawmakers surpass their targets, the extra income is reimbursed as a commission.
※quota=割り当て、ノルマ ・ノルマはロシア語語源
More than 10 members of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s political faction are suspected of having misappropriated income from fundraising parties by receiving off-the-books kickbacks.
※kickbackリベート、見返り、手数料 今回のニュースではカタカナで、動詞でも使われていました。
Shisuikai, an LDP faction led by heavyweight Toshihiro Nikai, is said to have used a similar scheme and created slush funds by returning part of sales of political fundraising party tickets to its lawmakers as kickbacks.
※heavyweight 〔影響力の強い〕大物政治家
※slush fund 〔特に政治の世界の〕不正資金、裏金➾secret fund/kickback money/off-the-book money 等
The slush funds are seen to have totaled more than ¥100 million over the five years to 2022, in which the statute of limitations has not run. The penalty for failure to properly state information in political funds reports is imprisonment of up to five years or a fine of up to ¥1 million.

Kishida stopped short of commenting on the political funds scandal when he was grilled by Yukio Edano of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.
※stop short of ~ing ~するまでには至らない
※grill 厳しく尋問する、追及する

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno remained tight-lipped over the allegation, saying, "I refrain from commenting on it from my position in the administration."
※tight-lipped口の堅い、無口な、口をつぐんだ、口を閉ざした ※口を割らない=zip one's lip
The no-confidence motion against him was voted down at a plenary session of the House of Representatives. (衆議院本会議)
関係者は 「長年の慣習で、収支報告書に記載しない“裏金はあった”。 闇は深く、パンドラの箱を開けてしまった」と言います。
※open (up) a Pandora's box
※open (up) a can of worms 「釣り餌用の虫の入ったカン」すぐに蓋を閉めないと厄介なことになるたとえから

The special squad of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office is investigating flows of funds and the details of how political funds reports were created, eyeing the possibility of establishing a case on suspicion of violating the political funds control law.
※squad (警察や軍の)隊、班/スポーツチーム