Bear sightings (sightsもあり) and attacks in Japan are on the rise. More and more people in Japan are being attacked by bears. Japan is seeing the number of people attacked by bears in fiscal 2023 increase at an unprecedented pace. Bear encounters (思いがけない出会い、遭遇)led to 180 cases of death or injury across the country. (As of Nov 17)
There are two types of bears in Japan: the Asian black bear(ツキノワグマ), and the brown bear. (ヒグマ)Asian black bears live in mountainous areas in Honshu and Shikoku. Brown bears in Hokkaido are a bit larger

食べ物が豊富で、今年はくまの子=bear cubが多く生まれまたしたが、今年はドングリが少なく冬眠前に住宅地にまで餌を求めてきていると言われています。
Officials warn that more bears are likely to appear in residential areas as they forage for food ahead of hibernation. The acorns that make up their diet have become scarce in their natural habitat.
※forage あさる、捜し回る
※hibernation 冬眠
※natural habitat自然生息地
To ensure the safety of residents, local authorities are taking measures to exterminate bears. However, there has been a series of phone complaints expressing sympathy for bears, with callers suggesting that the animals should be protected and released back into the mountains.
Bear deterrent bells designed to ward off the animals are selling well.
※deterrent 妨げる、引き留める、おじけづかせる
※ward off 防ぐ、かわす、撃退する
"BearBell" is a useful bear repellent bell application to keep bears at bay.
※repellent 不快感を与える、寄せ付けない
※keep at bay よせつけない、食い止める ➾scare off びっくりさせて追い払う
In old times, satoyama, mountain foothills near residential neighborhoods, served as a buffer zone between bears and humans.