
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida reshuffled his Cabinet.

※reshuffle 〔トランプを〕切り直す、〔人員、内閣などを〕入れ替える、改造する

➾revamp cabinet ※revamp古いものを改造する、機構などを改造する、手直しする

➾cabinet shake-up


Out of 19 ministers, Kishida selected 11 new faces as he moves to create a fresh image for his Cabinet, while retaining several key members to maintain continuity stability.

LDP Vice President Taro Aso, the party bigwig who heads its second largest faction, retained his post, along with two other heavyweights of the Abe faction, LDP policy chief Koichi Hagiuda and Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno.



※heavyweight ①重量級の人②〈話〉〔影響力の強い〕有力者、大物政治家、大企業


A record-tying five women were tapped as ministers in a bid to boost the government's popularity.

※tap=とんとんと叩く、こつこつ打つ、(米)選ぶ、指名する➾name, appoint, anoint

As part of efforts to bolster his support, Kishida was keen to expand the number of female ministers in a country notorious for its slow progress in women's empowerment.

Kishida is said to be exploring the best timing to dissolve the lower house for a snap election.

※snap election解散総選挙


New ministers are seen in formal attire to attend an attestation ceremony.

※attire 〈文〉〔儀式などの〕衣装、盛装 ※formal attire 正装

※attestation ceremony 〔閣僚の〕認証式 attest 証言する、認証する


The government's diplomatic and defense leadership saw two surprise changes in Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's Cabinet reshuffle.


Ms. Yoko Kamikawa, an Ivy League-educated former justice minister who oversaw the execution of key members of the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult has become foreign minister.

※Ivy League アイビーリーグ 米国北東部の名門大学の総称 

※doomsday cult終末思想の狂信教団


In a break from tradition, the new defense minister didn’t meet with Okinawa Governor during his first visit to Okinawa after assuming office.

Kihara, known as a pro-Taiwan lawmaker, will visit the United States and hold in-person talks with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin.


Japan cabinet reshuffle fails to lift PM Kishida‘s support(見出し)

Kishida wanted to boost his Cabinet approval rating through the reshuffle and put his government on a stable footing. However, the latest opinion poll did not bring the expected results.