
➣Nagano: Rare gun and knife attack in Japan leaves four dead(タイトル)

➣ A horrific incident occurred in a residential area dotted with rice paddies and fields. 

Two police officers and two local women were killed in the shooting and stabbing spree. 

➾ shooting and stabbing rampage

※spreeやり放題 ※rampage 暴挙、狂暴な行為        

※horrific ぞっとするような ➾gruesome


➣Two female residents living nearby were stabbed to death while they were apparently taking a walk together.

➣According to the witness’s description, he saw Aoki Masanori(31) wearing a full-body camouflage uniform, sunglasses and a mask. 

➾camouflage fatigues迷彩服


➣The officers rushed to the scene in response to an emergency call.

With bloodshot eyes, the suspect approached the patrol car and opened fire on police officers at close range with his hunting rifle.

※bloodshot eyes 血走った目、充血した目

二人の警察官が殉職。knife-wielding man(刃物を振り回す男)がいるという通報で防弾チョッキは着ていませんでした

➣A 46-year-old inspector(警部補) and a 61-year-old sergeant(巡査部長) perished in the line of duty. They were not wearing bullet-proof vests.

※perish 非業の死を遂げる ➾die/be killed

※in the line of duty〔警官・消防士などが〕職務、公務中に


Aoki had licenses obtained between 2015 and 2019 enabling him to possess four guns, including a rifle and a shotgun.


➣The standoff (こう着状態、にらみあい、行き詰まり)started at around 4:25 p.m. on Thursday. While Aoki was holed up at home, his parents tried to persuade him to surrender on the telephone, sources close to the investigation said.

➣A deadly, 12-hour standoff with police ended early Friday when a 31-year-old man holed up in his home and gave himself up to the authorities.

※be holed up at/in~~に閉じこもっている、立てこもっている➾barricaded himself~に籠城する


➣When his father asked why he went on the rampage, Aoki replied, “I was by myself all the time, and I thought that people around me were bad-mouthing me because I was always alone.”


➾He thought the women looked down upon him. 見下す

➾mock 馬鹿にする ➾ridicule 笑いものにする

※alone 一人で、孤立して (lonely=孤独で寂しい、と異なり必ずしも寂しい事を含意しない

➾loner 他人と交わらないで一人で行動、生活する人 

Police suspect that Aoki held a one-sided grudge(一方的な恨み) against one of the two female victims.


➣According to neighbors, Aoki entered university after graduating from high school but dropped out because he had trouble getting along with others.

➣His parents told police their son had trouble interacting with others after being bullied at university.

※get along with others 他の人とうまくやる

※interact with others 人と交流する


➣The suspect’s father is the 57-year-old speaker of the Nakano municipal assembly. He resigned from the Nakano city assembly on the same day.