
一般参賀はcongratulatory palace visit by the general public

➣Japan's Emperor Naruhito has extended New Year greetings to members of the public at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo for the first time in three years.

➣Emperor Naruhito and his family waved to throngs of New Year’s well-wishers from the balcony at the Imperial Palace in the return of a celebration halted for the past two years by the pandemic.

➣Emperor Naruhito offered greetings on Monday in his first New Year’s address in three years following a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic.

※throng 群衆、ひとだかり

※well-wisher 他人の幸福を願う人、支持者



"The spread of the coronavirus has been difficult for everyone, but I am very pleased to be able to greet you again," Naruhito told the flag-waving crowd at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. "We face many difficulties, but I hope for a peaceful and good New Year for all, and as the year begins,  I pray for the happiness of people in Japan and around the world," he added.


➣As a measure against infection, the participating well-wishers were chosen in advance by lottery.

➣Only about 1,500 well-wishers at a time, chosen by lottery, were allowed to enter the complex to attend the New Year's event.


➣A dedicated space has been set up just outside the Imperial Household Agency's building at the palace to allow visitors to sign books of celebration.

両陛下の長女愛子さまは成年皇族=adult member of the Imperial Familyとして初めて参加されました。2021年12月に20歳になられた愛子さまは様々な公務を行われています。

➣This year, the Emperor and Empress were joined on the balcony of the palace for the first time by their daughter Princess Aiko, who turned 21 in December.

➣Since turning 20 a year ago, she has performed her official duties with sincerity as an adult member of the Imperial family, while also studying at university.

※perform official duty 公務を行う

※with sincerity 誠実に、熱心に


➣Also present were Emperor Emeritus Akihito, who abdicated in favor of his son in 2019, and his wife, Empress Emerita Michiko.

※emeritus=名誉退職の、前職礼遇の ラテン語でhaving earned discharge

※abdicate 退位する


➣The Emperor is a symbol of the state and wields no political power.

➣He performs state functions of a formal and ceremonial nature.

➣These include the appointment of the prime minister and chief justice of the Supreme Court, a convocation of the Diet, and promulgation of laws. 

➣The Emperor remains a revered figure in Japan.