
➣A woman was stabbed to death near JR Hakata Station in Fukuoka on Monday evening.  She was found lying face-up (⇒supine) on the ground and bleeding.


➣She was in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest.

➣She was immediately taken to a hospital in the city, where she was soon confirmed dead. The victim has been identified as Miki Kawano, a 38-year-old company employee living in Nakagawa, Fukuoka Prefecture. Kawano had sustained multiple stab wounds to the head, chest and abdomen. She died from loss of blood.

目撃者証言では、容疑者は馬乗りになって女性を襲っており、attack was ferocious(狂暴な、残忍な)だったと言います。

➣The suspect was seen by witnesses straddling Kawano on the ground and assaulting her.

※suspect容疑者 ※witness目撃者

※straddle=両足でまたがる ※assault襲う、暴行する attackより堅い語


➣The culprit, a male estimated at 30 to 50 years of age, fled the scene and was still at large.

※culprit犯人➾perpetrator加害者 ⇔victim

※be at large=〔危険な人・犯人・動物などが〕逃亡中で、野放しで➾on the loose/ on the run

※fugitive 逃亡者、脱走者 (今回のニュースではみあたらなかったが)

➣Susumu Terauchi, a 31-year-old restaurant employee is suspected of murdering Kawano.


➣ A random investigator searching for the suspect found him walking alone in Nakasu, Fukuoka City and arrested him. He has confessed to the crime, the police said.

※confess to 罪等を自白する

➣Kawano is believed to have been on her way home when she was ambushed and attacked by a man.



➣Although the victim had consulted with police multiple times about Terauchi, and a restraining order was issued against him, the attack could not be prevented.

※restrain 制止する、制限する ⇒prohibition order ⇒stay-away order

➣Another case of a stalking victim falling prey to a predator despite having sought the protection of authorities.

※fall prey to~の餌食になる、犠牲になる



➣The anti-stalking law came into force in 2000, following the murder of a female university student in the city of Okegawa, Saitama Prefecture.  In recent years, the number of nationwide police consultations involving stalking has hovered around 20,000.  In 2021, 1,671 prohibition orders against stalkers were issued -- a record high.

※hover 空中に留まる、数字があまり変わらない