
➣Fast movies are edited versions to show the entire story in about 10 minutes, with subtitles and narration. 

➾digest versionや、unofficial online video summarizing a feature filmなど



➣Three people conspired to edit five movies into a 10-minute version without permission from copyright holders in 2020.  The three added narration in the video explaining the film's synopsis and then uploaded them to YouTube.  The two defendants, a man and a woman in their 20s, were convicted last year for violating the copyright law by posting so-called fast movies. It was the first case in which fast movie uploaders were held criminally responsible.

※conspire 共謀する、結託する

※synopsis=〈劇・小説などの〉概要,大意,あら筋 ⇒plot, story line ※outline概略


➣Major film distributors filed a damages suit with the Tokyo District Court against three people who posted unauthorized condensed versions of fast movies. They are seeking 500 million yen.


➣The Tokyo District Court awarded the full amount of damages sought by 13 companies.

➾The plaintiffs, including Toho, Shochiku, and Toei, were awarded the full amount they had demanded.

※award ①賞を授与する ②【法律】〔裁判で賠償金の支払いを〕裁定する、与える


➣Presiding Judge said the movie rental fee on YouTube is at least 400 yen, or nearly 2.9 dollars. He said the plaintiffs' damage estimate of 200 yen per view is appropriate, as movies about 2 hours long were compressed into fast versions, but the contents of the original works could be grasped.


➣Observers say fast movies have spread amid a trend primarily among the younger set to value time efficiency. This is evident in their lifestyles, where they prefer to speed up the videos and films they watch.

※コスパは“value for money”や“cost-effectiveness”など


➣Some people may fast-forward through the content to get a rough idea of the storyline and ending, and then take time to watch the flicks later.



➣The film industry has blamed fast movies for being partly responsible for a decline in moviegoers, resulting in damage to their business.


➣Copyright violations steal the sustenance needed for future creation. In doing so, they nip cultural development in the bud.


※nip ~ in the bud ~の芽を摘む、早いうちに~を取り除く、~を未然に防ぐ