➣Japanese ocean adventurer Kenichi Horie became the world's oldest person to make a solo, nonstop voyage across the Pacific Ocean.
※無寄港はmake no port callsも

➣Horie returned home as he crossed the Kii Strait(海峡)➾Channelもあり off Japan's western coast early Saturday, on the Suntory Mermaid III, his 6-meter-long, one-ton boat, completing his trans-Pacific solo voyage in 69 days after leaving a yacht harbor in San Francisco on March 27.

➣This isn't the first time for the record-breaking octogenarian to set out on an "epic Pacific cruise."
➣He journeyed across the ocean for 94 days on his 19-foot plywood(ベニア合板) boat, the Mermaid.
After surviving on rice and canned food, he sailed through San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge unannounced with no passport or money.
➣The voyage traced a similar route to the one he made 60 years ago when he became the first yachtsman to cross the Pacific alone with no port calls, but in reverse.
最初のsensational first tripの後、堀江さんは太陽光パネルで推進する船、アルミ缶とペットボトルで作られた船、ビール樽で作った船など、環境に配慮した船で何度も太平洋を横断しました。
➣Horie has traveled across the Pacific in multiple vessels, including ones made from aluminum cans, beer kegs, and whiskey barrels and powered by solar panels and foot pedals.
※keg=barrelより小さいたる 通例10ガロン未満
➣Horie has spent the last decades sharing the idea that the sea is "an irreplaceable source of life for the Earth" but said he doesn't identify as an environmental activist.
"I'm just doing my bit as a member of society," he said.
※do one's bit自分の役割を果たす、全体の努力のために、個々が貢献をする

➣“I feel like I’m still in the prime of my youth.”
➣"I'm still in the middle of my youth." He said he "burned all my body and soul" on the journey but says he's ready for more.
"I will keep up my work to be a late bloomer." The adventurer has said that he wants to keep challenging himself until he becomes a centenarian.
※a late bloomer=遅咲き、大器晩成
➾辞書では:a late starterやa late developerも