オーストラリアで16歳未満の子供のSNS利用を禁止する法案=The Social Media Minimum Age Bill が可決。
Australia‘s parliament has passed a law banning social media for children under 16 after an emotive debate gripping the nation.
※parliament 国会
※emotive 感情的な
※grip 惹きつけてはなさない

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praised the new law, saying “We know that social media can be a weapon for bullies, a platform for peer pressure, a driver of anxiety, a vehicle for scammers. And worst of all, a tool for online predators”.
※bully いじめっ子
※peer pressure 同調圧力
※vehicle 手段
※predator 捕食者、〔弱みに付け込んで〕他人を利用する人
Against the backdrop of a parliamentary inquiry through 2024, which heard evidence from parents of children who had self-harmed due to cyberbullying, domestic media backed the ban.
※against the backdrop of ~を背景に
The ban faced opposition from privacy advocates and some child rights groups, but 77% of the population wanted it, according to the latest polls.
※advocate 擁護者、支持者
The law will make platforms including TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, X and Instagram liable for fines of up to 50 million Australian dollars for systemic failures to prevent children younger than 16 from holding accounts. YouTube is likely to be spared.
※liable for 〔法的に〕~の責任を負う
“Australians feel that social media does more harm than good.”(専門家の声)
※do more harm than good=利益/効果よりむしろ害を多くもたらす
“We have drawn a line in the sand. The enormous power of big tech can no longer remain unchecked in Australia.”(議員の声)
※draw a line in the sand譲れない/超えてはならない一線を示す
※unchecked 〔悪い事が〕歯止め,抑制が利かない

Some argue that the ban could be detrimental to teenagers who rely on social media to connect with marginalized and minority groups.
※detrimental 有害な、不利益な
Australia is grappling with how to institute the ban. Verifying the age of users is the first challenge.
※grapple with 〔問題・課題など〕に取り組む
※institute 〔制度などを〕設ける、制定する
※verify 立証する ※age verification 年齢確認
These include facial biometric verification and ID card confirmation. Many people are concerned their personal information will be shared and their privacy will be compromised.
※biometric 生体認証の
※compromise 妥協する、譲歩するという意味の他に、セキュリティ関連では、危険にさらす(情報漏洩や不正アクセス)