Onosato shoved out Abi to clinch his first championship title on the final day of the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament at Tokyo's Ryogoku Kokugikan on May 26, 2024.
※shove=(乱暴に)押す、突く ※押し出しはoshidashi/pushing-outでOK
In the faceoff with Abi, Onosato beat his opponent with a frontal push-out.
※faceoff 対決(元々はアイスホッケー語)➾bout
タイトル:New komusubi Onosato grabs 1st title at fastest pace after debut
➾the least-experienced champion in history.
Japan Sumo Association Chairman Hakkaku, the former yokozuna Hoku-toumi, paid the youngster his highest compliment. “He’s an imposing figure. I would like to see him keep going and soar up the rankings.”
※compliment 賛辞、誉め言葉、表敬

With his hair still not long enough to be styled into a topknot, the 23-year-old was suddenly caught up in an attention.(1月場所のニュースより)
The “oicho-mage” topknot is symbolic of top-notch sumo wrestlers. The elaborate design resembles a gingko leaf.
※top-notch 一流の ※幕内力士 top/elite makukuchi devision
※elaborate 精巧な
※gingko イチョウ
Onosato also took home the Technique Prize(技能賞) and the Outstanding Performance Award(殊勲賞), while the Fighting Spirit Prize(敢闘賞) went to No. 14 maegashira Oshoma.
※take home ~を家に持ち帰る、賞などを獲得する
※go to~〔賞が〕~に贈られる

Onosato debuted in the elite makuuchi division just weeks after a New Year's Day earthquake devastated Ishikawa Prefecture, where he is from. "I am really happy that I could deliver a championship for the people of Ishikawa to see."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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