
Disney's The Little Mermaid live-action remake has hit movie theaters.

Disney's The Little Mermaid is the newest in line of Disney live-action adaptation.

※live-action生の、ライブの 実写映画live-action film

※adaptation 脚色、改作、編曲/適応、適合 ※adapt the novel into a drama 小説をドラマ化する


The original The Little Mermaid is a fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen around the middle of the 19th century. 

※fairy tale〔子ども向けの〕おとぎ話、童話

The Little Mermaid is the story of the protagonist of Ariel, a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure.



※have a thirst for adventure 冒険を渇望する、冒険欲がある

アニメ版のアリエルは白い肌に碧い眼、赤髪を持つキャラクター。実写版に黒人のハリー・ベイリー起用が伝えられた3年前には、『#NotMyAriel(私のアリエルではない)』といった人種差別的反発=racist backlashや、review bombingもありました。原作との比較は避けられません。

Disney’s latest live-action remake, The Little Mermaid, has been engulfed in controversy ever since the casting was announced. People cried over The Little Mermaid casting Halle Bailey, a Black singer and actor, as Ariel because they didn’t think it was ‘accurate’ to original story. Comparisons with the original are inevitable.

Halle Bailey was bombarded with vile abuse back in 2019 when it was first announced she would be taking on the role of Ariel.

※vile ひどい、きわめて不快な

映画が完成し予告編が公開されると、多くの黒人少女がアリエルを自分に重ね合わせて大喜びするblind reaction(初見の反応)がSNS上に見られました。

In the United States, young Black girls have hailed Disney’s decision, saying they feel represented on the big screen because of her titular role. Parents are posting videos of their black girls getting excited about ‘The Little Mermaid’ teaser trailer.(trailerより短い)

※teaser 断片的情報を公開し興味を引くプロモーション teaseじらして悩ます 

※trailer 〔映画の〕予告編


Ariel's sidekick friends Flounder and Sebastian look strange at best as irl animals. They haven’t gone down well with fans. They have been criticized for looking scary or too skinny, and life-like.

※irl=in real life現実の世界では、現実的には

※sidekick 仲間、親友、相棒

※go down well with~~に受け入れられる、気に入られる

※life-like 生々しい、真に迫っている

ハリー・ベイリーは、11歳の時、13歳の姉とともにYoutubeにビヨンセのカバー曲をアップしたことがきっかけとなり、ビヨンセのレーベルから姉妹ユニットChloe x Halleとして デビューをした歌手で、Beyoncéのprotégé(仏)お気に入り、秘蔵っ子として知られています。

Beyonce - "Pretty Hurts (Chloe x Halle Cover) 

Halle Bailey is an American singer and actress. She rose to fame and is best known for being part of the musical duo Chloe x Halle with her older sister Chloe Bailey. The sisters began posting music covers on YouTube at the age of 13 and 11 respectively. They were acknowledged by Beyoncé, who became their mentor and later signed them to her label.

※mentor 助言者、師 


She is a rising star who is making waves in the entertainment industry. Thanks to starring as Ariel, Bailey’s celebrity status will be firmly cemented and she is about to become a household name.

※a rising star 人気急上昇中の人[もの]、希望[期待]の星[新人]

※household name 誰でもよく知っている名前、おなじみの名前