
"Hozu River Descent" Capsizing Accident(見出し)

➣A boat carrying 25 tourists and four crew members tipped over during a cruise down the river in Kameoka City, throwing everyone into the water.

※descent ①下る事、〔山などの〕下り道②下落、転落 ③急襲、(警察等の)突然の手入れ④〔人の〕血統、出自

※転覆するはcapsizeが大半。➮overturn/tip over等も


➣All tourists were rescued but one rower has been confirmed dead and another is missing.  after a sightseeing boat capsized in the Hozu River in the city of Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture.

※rower=漕ぎ手 ➾boatman/boat operator


➣Three boatmen usually operate the vessel, but four were on board at the time of the accident. They had 9-30 years of experience.


➣Police believe a mistake by the boatmen might have been the cause. A boatman operating the rudder at the rear of the vessel lost his balance near Otakase, a difficult spot along the route with rapids, causing the boat to veer off course. The vessel drifted out of control for a few hundred meters before hitting a rock and capsizing, throwing everyone on board into the river.


※rapid 形容詞:早い、迅速な/名詞:通例複数形rapidsで急流、早瀬 

➾rapid river, rapid stream 激流だとtorrent

※veer off(針路が)それる

※drift 漂流する


➣The boat is equipped with life jackets for the number of people aboard. Rowers always recommend that passengers don life jackets before the boat sets off.

※don(文語)身に着ける、着る、はく ➾wear, put on, dress in ⇔doff脱ぐ、取るtake off


➣The river boat cruise, on which participants can enjoy a scenic view of cherry blossoms in spring and vivid foliage in autumn, is among Kyoto’s popular tourist attractions and is enjoyed by some 300,000 tourists annually.

※foliage葉、枝葉、木の葉、群葉 ➾紅葉:autumnal leaf coloration