➣Flamboyant professional wrestler-turned-politician Antonio Inoki died Oct. 1 of heart failure at the age of 79.
※A-turned-B ~出身の…、~から転身した…、元~の…「前職-turned-現職」の形で使う
※flamboyant 〔人・行動などが〕華々しい、大胆な 〔服装などが〕きらびやかな、派手な
➣The icon, whose real name was Kanji Inoki, had been battling an intractable disease called "systemic amyloidosis."
※systemic=全身を侵す ⇔local
➣His death brought to an end a varied life in the public eye, during which Inoki fought Muhammad Ali, fostered close personal ties with North Korea, and helped free hostages in Iraq.
※a varied life変化に富んだ[満ちた]人生[一生]
➪an eventful life, a turbulent life, a life full of ups and downsなども
➣Tributes to Inoki poured in across social media. “He was one of the most important figures in the history of our business and a man who embodied the term ‘fighting spirit.”
※tribute=賛辞、追悼の意 ➪condolence 悔やみ

➣Standing 1.9 meters tall, Inoki was a pioneer of mixed martial arts in Japan, and shot to fame in 1976 for taking on world heavyweight champion Ali in a wrestler-versus-boxer bout in Tokyo.
※martial art 格闘技
※shoot to fame 一躍有名になる、一躍名声を得る
※take on 〔仕事・責任を〕引き受ける、〔競技などで〕~と対戦[対決]する、~に挑戦する

➣His special moves such as the manji-gatame (octopus hold➪欧州ではgrapevine stretch) and the enzui-giri (a jumping kick to the back of an opponent's head) fascinated fans.

➣Inoki was unmistakable from his outsized chin and trademark tie and red scarf.
➪lantern-jaw ※lantern=ちょうちん、カンテラ ほおがこけた顔がカンテラに似ているからという語源
※jaw あご、上顎 ※chin 下あご、あご先
➣In 1989 Inoki was elected as an Upper House lawmaker for the now-defunct Sports and Peace Party.

➣Inoki developed close ties with North Korea because his mentor, early pro-wrestling superstar Rikidozan, hailed from North Korea but could never go home after the peninsula was divided by war.

➣The former professional wrestler is survived by his ex-wife Mitsuko Baisho and their daughter Hiroko Inoki.
※be survived by~=~を残して先立つ