見出し:Hanae Mori, trailblazer of Japanese fashion design, dies at 96
➣Hanae Mori, a fashion designer who won international accolades as a pioneer in the postwar Japanese fashion industry, died at her home in Tokyo on Aug. 11.
※trailblazer (未開地などで道しるべとなるように)通った道に目印をつける人、先駆者、草分け ⇒pioneer
※blaze the trail=新しい[画期的な]ことをする、新境地を開拓する
※accolade 称賛、絶賛、賛美、栄誉、褒め言葉

➣Japanese designer Hanae Mori was dubbed “Madame Butterfly” for her signature motif.
➣Her family members and relatives have already held her funeral, with her eldest son, acting as a chief mourner. A farewell event will be held sometime later.
➣In 1965, Mori unveiled her first collection abroad, in New York, under the theme “East Meets West.”
➣In 1977, she burst onto the Paris fashion scene by becoming the first Asian member of the association of Parisian couture, gaining recognition as one of the finest designers of haute couture, which is custom-made garments.
The exclusive Parisian club is seen as the pinnacle of high-end fashion.
オーダーメイドは和製英語 標準英語はcustom-made, tailor-made
※high-end〔商品などが〕高所得者向けの、金持ち相手の ⇒upscale/upmarket
➣She was the first Asian woman to join the ranks of Christian Dior, Chanel, Givenchy, Armani, Versace, Valentino, and Karl Lagerfeld in Paris shows, where the competition and the stakes were as high as they get in fashion.
※join the ranks of~~の仲間入りを果たす
➣Her brand, Hanae Mori, also designed and sold a prêt-à-porter (high-end ready-made clothing) collection.

NY Timesは「戦後の日本の台頭を象徴し、東洋と西洋を融合したスタイルを広めるブランドを築いた」。8月上旬に死去した三宅一生さんの斬新な服作りとは異なり「西洋の型を崩すことなく、和風の要素を組み合わせて固定観念に挑んだ」と大きく報じました。
➣Her designs were actually quite conservative. Unlike her Japanese contemporary Issey Miyake, who died on Aug. 5, and other avant-garde couturiers who used unconventional styles and fabrics, Ms. Mori did not try to break Western fashion molds.
Instead, by combining Western designs with Japanese touches, she challenged stereotypes and influenced a generation of designers in both cultures.
➣Her work became synonymous with upscale subtle designs that blended traditional Japanese fabrics with Western-style clothing.
As a powerful businesswoman, Mori was a rarity in Japan, where boardrooms are still heavily male-dominated.