アメリカのナンシー・ペロシ下院議長が台湾を訪れ、Taiwan President(台湾総統)蔡英文と会談しました。
➣US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan Tuesday evening, marking a significant show of support for Taiwan despite China's threats of retaliation over the visit. Pelosi's stop in Taipei is the first time that a US House speaker has visited Taiwan in 25 years.
➣Not only is it the first such high-level delegation in over two decades, but Pelosi is also second in line to the presidency.
⇒third in the American hierarchy of power

➣In a statement after landing, Pelosi and the congressional delegation that accompanied her said the visit "honors America's unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan's vibrant democracy."
※unwavering 動揺しない、ぐらつかない、しっかりした
※vibrant 震える、響き渡る、脈動する、活気にあふれる、力強い
➣Prior to her arrival, Taiwan had been tight-lipped about the situation.

➣From Tiananmen Square to Taiwan: Nancy Pelosi, the one woman who has defied China time and again
※time and (time) again=繰り返し、何回[何度・幾度]も[となく]、再三再四
➣US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a long history of standing up to China. It all began 31 years ago, in 1991, when as a young Congresswoman she visited Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to pay a tribute to pro-democracy student activists massacred there.
⇒candid critic of the Chinese Communist Partyや、forthright critic of Beijingと言った表現も
※candid 隠し立てのない、まっすぐな

中国は激怒し台湾を取り囲むような形で軍事演習を実施。台湾海峡=Taiwan Straitをめぐる緊張感が増しています。
➣The move has angered the Chinese government, condemning the visit as “maliciously infringing on China’s sovereignty” and announcing a series of missile tests and military drills encircling self-ruled Taiwan, which Beijing claims is part of its inherent territory.
※inherent=固有の ⇒領土問題ではintegral(全体の一部として欠くことができない、絶対必要な)も
⇒This has infuriated Beijing, which has accused Washington of "playing the Taiwan card" to contain China's rise.
⇒Enraged by the trip, China fired missiles into waters around Taiwan.
⇒China has lashed out at the visit.
※lash out at ~を厳しく批判[非難]する、~に毒舌を浴びせる、~に難癖をつける

余談ですが、トム・クルーズを一躍大スターにした映画トップガンの36年ぶりとなる続編の『トップガン マーヴェリック』。その2019年の予告編=trailerでは、中国スポンサーに忖度して主人公のジャケットの日本と台湾の国旗のワッペンが妙な旗に変わっていましたが、封切られた映画では、オリジナル版と同じ正しい国旗が復活。台湾の観客は歓声を上げたそうです。
➣Taiwanese audiences cheered during a screening of "Top Gun: Maverick" upon seeing the Taiwan flag. The Taiwan and Japan flags were replaced in a 2019 trailer for the film, seemingly to appease China.