➣People with names that are difficult to read are increasing. At present, birth certificates have a column to add the readings of names, while the Family Register Act has no provisions regarding reading aids.
※戸籍法は、辞書ではthe Family Registration Lawとthe Civil Registration Lawも
➣It is easier to digitally search for names using hiragana and katakana. The digitization of public administration will inevitably mean that names must have phonetic readings.
※inevitably 必然的に、必ず
※phonetic 音声の、音声表記の
➣A subcommittee of the Legislative Council has compiled an interim plan for the revision.
➣The government aims to revise the law next year after soliciting opinions from the public.
※solicit 求める、募る
➣The subcommittee presented proposals that broadly allow “colorful names” except in cases they are offensive to public order and morality.
※公序良俗に反する violates public order and moral standardsもOK
➣Allow a character’s Chinese-derived readings, Japanese readings, and readings from popular usage. In addition, allow readings that correspond with a character’s actual meaning.
音読み:Chinese-style pronunciation of a kanji
※ corresponds with~と一致する、つじつまが合う
英語ではbizarre name/unusual name/unique name/weird nameなど
➣“Kira kira” means “shiny” in Japanese. ➾twinklingやsparklingも
Parents come up with sounds or rhythms they like and apply kanji that may not relate to the sound at all. Most of Kira Kira names are very unusual and sometimes derogatorily called DQN names.
※derogatorily 軽蔑的に
※DQN names どきゅん‐ネーム(常識的な読み方から逸脱した珍奇な名前、奇を衒ったような難読名、などを侮蔑を込めて呼ぶ言い方。
➣Some people think that parents of a child with a kirakira name lack common sense. Children may enjoy their own kirakira names, but as they get older, many struggle with their names. Sometimes they are bullied because of the name, and they may not be taken seriously at job interviews. The name may cause trouble for its owner down the line.
※lack common sense 常識に欠ける
※be bulliedいじめられる
※down the line この道の向こうに ➾将来的に in the future
新聞の小見出し:What in the name?