➣Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was injured in an apparent gun attack while taking part in a campaign for the House of Councillors election in Nara City at about 11:30 a.m. on Friday. He suffered cardiopulmonary arrest(心肺停止) and has been taken to the hospital.
➣The former Liberal Democratic Party president arrived at the stump speech venue in front of the station at about 11:20 a.m.
※stump speech 〈米〉〔遊説中の政治家の〕街頭演説 【語源】昔の政治家が切り株に乗って演説をしたことがあることから。
凶器は最初、散弾銃=shotgunと言われていたが、その後手製銃=handmade gunと
➣Abe was unresponsive when emergency medics tried to resuscitate him.
※unresponsive 〔呼びかけ・要求・刺激などに対して〕反応しない →unconscious
→Reports state that he is showing no vital signs.
※vital signsバイタルサイン、生命兆候◆血圧、心拍数、呼吸、意識などのこと。
➣He died at 5:03 p.m. from loss of blood, the hospital surgeon said, adding that doctors tried to resuscitate him and gave him massive blood transfusions.

➣Tetsuya Yamagami, a 41-year-old former Maritime Self-Defense Force sailor, was arrested at the scene on suspicion of attempted murder.
取り押さえられる:He was held downやwrestled down to the groundなど
➣The gunman is said to have held a grudge linked to the Moonies.
※the Moonies 〈侮蔑的〉統一教会= the Unification Church 創始者の名前より
➣The head of the Nara Prefectural Police admitted that there had been flaws in protecting Abe. “It is undeniable that there were problems in the security.”

➣Japan is known for its strict gun laws. With a population of 125 million, it had only 10 gun-related criminal cases last year, resulting in one death and four injuries.

➣It is common during Japanese campaign stops for politicians to mingle freely with voters, keeping almost no distance between themselves and the crowd. Candidates fist-bumped with supporters and posed for selfies.
※mingle 混じる、一緒になる =mix
※fist-bump グータッチ
➣Today, as the result of a sudden, outrageous act, former Prime Minister ABE Shinzo has passed away. The despicable act that took the life of Mr. ABE Shinzo, carried out in the middle of an election, the very basis of democracy, is absolutely intolerable, and I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.
※despicable 卑劣な、卑しむべき
※intolerable 我慢できない、容認し得ない
➣Global leaders reacted to his killing in horror, with President Biden saying he was “stunned, outraged, and deeply saddened” by the news. “This is a tragedy for Japan and for all who knew him,” Biden said. “He was a champion of the Alliance between our nations and the friendship between our people.”
➣Shinzo Abe was a towering figure in Japan who as the country’s longest-serving prime minister sought to reestablish this country’s power on the global economic and foreign policy stage.
➣Shinzo Abe, ‘a towering figure’ whose death will change Japan’s political landscape(見出し)
※towering=そびえ立つ、塔のような 〔影響力などが〕大きい非常に優れた、非凡な
➣He was also perhaps the most polarizing politician in recent Japanese history.
※polarize 二つに分裂させる
➣The former prime minister was political blue blood.
※blue blood=貴族的特徴、高貴な血筋 貴族、上流階級の人 ➾scion

Abe was groomed to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi.
※groom花婿、新郎 他動 〔~を〕きれいにする、手入れする、きれいに整える、調整する、仕立てる
※follow in one's father's footsteps 父(親)の歩んだ道を歩む、父(親)の跡[志]を継ぐ

➣Japan bade its final farewell to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday at a family funeral at a temple days after his assassination shocked the nation.
※bid farewell to~ ~に別れを告げる