今年は数年に一度の寒気=cold weather。気圧配置=pressure patternは西高東低=high pressure lies to the west and low pressure to the eastが続き、日本海側areas facing the Sea of Japan中心に大雪=heavy snowが降りました。日本海側の大雪は、JPCZが原因とされています。
It is verified that heavy snow in the Sea of Japan originates from the Japan Sea Polar Air mass Convergence Zone (JPCZ).
※Japan sea Polar air mass Convergence Zone=日本海寒帯気団収束帯
※air mass=(気象)気団
※convergence=一点に集中する事 (気象)収束(空気が周囲から一地域に集まってくる事)
The Meteorological Agency is warning of heavy snow and traffic disruptions in areas facing the Sea of Japan, with the winter weather already having stranded more than 1,000 motorists in Toyama and Fukui prefectures over the weekend.
※strand=座礁させる be stranded 取り残される、立ち往生する
小見出し Traffic built up on the stalled highway
※stall=立ち往生させる、エンストさせる 名詞で馬屋
More than 1,000 people in Japan spent night stuck on a highway in their cars, waiting out a traffic jam with little food or water during a heavy snowstorm.
※wait out=〔嵐や危険などが〕過ぎ去るまでじっと待つ、~の好転を待つ

The two prefectures requested dispatches of the Self-Defense Forces to help with snow removal.
※雪かき=snow raking/snow shaveling/clearing snow/snow removal
除雪機=snowplow plowはすき
An 81-year-old man was found dead in Toyama. He had told his family on Friday he would go outside to clear snow in front of the house.
Teenager taking photos on frozen pond drowns after ice gives way in Japan(見出し)
※give way=道を譲る、(建物等が)崩壊する
On Jan. 12, it snowed in many parts of the Japanese archipelago due to the development of a low-pressure system.
Snow was seen over a wide area in the plains of this western Japan prefecture on Jan. 12.

Osaka Castle Park in the city of Osaka's Chuo Ward is seen covered with a light dusting of snow on Jan. 12, 2021.
※a light dusting of snow=ひとはけの雪
According to the Osaka Regional Headquarters of the Japan Meteorological Agency, the central and southern parts of western Japan's Kinki region are expected to be generally clear on Jan. 13 as a high-pressure system covers the area.
On the other hand, the weather in the northern Kinki region is expected to be mostly cloudy due to cold air and an atmospheric pressure trough, with some snow or rain in the morning.
※trough=木製の細長い蓋のない箱、細長いくぼみ (地理)大きな溝状の地形 (気象)気圧の谷