年末恒例の紅白歌合戦は、コロナの世界的流行coronavirus pandemicで、初の無観客開催=be held without an audienceでしたが、ステイホームも影響し、全体視聴率=audience rating/viewing rateは40%を超えました。曲をじっくり聴かせる演出も好評でした。
※大晦日の紅白歌合戦=Red and White Song Battle on New Year's Eve /NHK's year-end music program
※毎年の紅組と白組に分かれて競う歌合戦:an annual song contest, in which the female artists of the red team and male performers of the white team compete to be named the better side
※言いかえ表現:the music extravaganza / NHK’s annual music bonanza
※extravaganza=①狂想曲、狂想劇 ②とっぴなもの、派手なショー、華やかな祭典

Both teams will be headed by actors filling the roles for the first time, with the red team to be led by Fumi Nikaido, 26, and the white team by Yo Oizumi, 47. General presenting duties will once again go to comedian Teruyoshi Uchimura, his fourth consecutive year in the role, and NHK's own presenter Maho Kuwako in her third appearance.
※司会はthe main host of the program も。 ※MC= master of ceremony
Japan's 71st 'Kohaku' New Year's Eve song battle to feature 10 first-timers, no audience(見出し)
A mixture of new and seasoned artists are among the 42 acts set to perform at the 71st "Kohaku Uta Gassen"
※first timer=初めての人、初出場社→new entrant
※seasoned=①味付けした②人が慣れた、経験豊かな →the returning guests という表現も
The song was initially self-released for digital download and streaming in April 2019. The singer rose to fame after his song became a viral hit on TikTok with many users covering the song.
答え:瑛人 『香水』
The members of the group were chosen through an audition and their selection process was documented on the Hulu streaming site. They made their official debut on Dec 2, 2020.
Mixing pop and heavy metal, their albums have ranked high on U.S. Billboard charts.

Arashi, who announced their intention to go on hiatus at the end of the year, will appear for the 12th time.
※go on~ ~に入る、始める go on 24-hour strike 24時間ストライキに入る
Pop-rock band GReeeeN consists of four dentists from Fukushima Prefecture.Hip-hop group GReeeeN, who perform masked and have been behind the theme song to this year's NHK morning drama "Yell," will sing for the first time at the contest as a special, separate act.

NHK's first Red & White Year-end Song Festival was broadcast on the radio on January 3, 1951. This was the year Japan signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty and General MacArthur was withdrawn from his post as supreme commander of the Allied Occupation forces.
The following year, the second Red & White Year-end Song Festival was extended to 90 minutes.
The fourth festival coincided with the start of TV broadcasting in Japan, and was the first to be held in front of a live audience on New Year's Eve, as it still is today.
Reflecting the changing world of popular music, the Red & White Year-end Song Festival remains a firm favorite to the present day.
※firm favorite=根強い人気
It has long been viewed as the true barometer of status for domestic artists with an unrivaled influence on an artist's profile, status, and sales in Japan.
To appear on the show is still a dream come true for many Japanese singer.
※a dream come true=夢の実現、究極の夢