結婚の延期が続いている眞子内親王=Princess Makoが、手記で今のお気持ちを発表されました。
Princess Mako, a niece of Japanese Emperor Naruhito, expressed her strong resolve to go ahead with her postponed marriage to Kei Komuro, her boyfriend from university days but did not mention a specific date.
※go ahead with=推進する、(周囲の反対があっても)推し進める、強行する
※延期するは、postponedの他、delayedやpushed backもあり
"We are irreplaceable to each other -- someone to rely on during both happy and unhappy times. For us, a marriage is a necessary choice to live and honor our hearts,” Mako, 29, said on Nov. 13 in a statement expressing the couple’s thoughts.

In a 2018 news conference, the crown prince said, "If (their marriage) cannot be celebrated by many people, we cannot hold" a betrothal ceremony, known as Nosai no Gi.
昨年は、現在の上皇、上皇后=Emperor Emeritus and Empress Emeritaの退位=abdication後、令和の世になり、即位礼正殿の儀=enthronement ceremonyをはじめとする一連の儀式がありました。その締めくくりとなる「立皇嗣宣明の儀」が今年の11月8日に行われ、秋篠宮さまが皇位継承順位1位の「皇嗣」となられたことを天皇陛下が広く内外に宣言されました。
Crown Prince Akishino was formally declared first in line to the chrysanthemum throne in a traditional ceremony.
"I approve of them getting married. The Constitution says marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes. If that is what they really want, then I think that is something I need to respect as a parent," Princess Mako's parents respect the couple's desire to tie the knot, the Imperial Household Agency said.
※tie the knot 2本のひも(糸)で結び目を作る様子から「結ばれる」 ⇒ 「結婚する」
※Imperial Household Agency宮内庁
For female members of the Japanese imperial family, marriage to a commoner means losing imperial status.
Under Japanese law, female members of the imperial family must abandon their royal status upon marriage to a commoner.
They usually receive a lump sum payment from the state to maintain the dignity of their position after leaving the imperial household.
※lump sum 一括払いの総額、 比較的高額な即金払い金
It is, so to speak, a “dowry.” と言われることもあります。

Given the shrinking imperial family under the 1947 law that states only men in the paternal line can ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne, there has been a debate about letting women retain imperial status even after marriage and establish their own branches to ease the load of public duties on individual imperial members.
※paternal=父系の、男系の ⇔maternal