SpaceXの、ファルコン9ロケットが、宇宙船クルードラゴンの打ち上げに成功。NASAの有人飛行の新たな幕開けとなりました。宇宙船カプセルの愛称は“Resilience” (回復する力)です。
On November 15th, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launched(⇔lifted off) Crew Dragon spacecraft “Resilience” to orbit, marking the beginning of a new era of human spaceflight for NASA.
有人飛行は、human spaceflightの他、crewed flight to spaceや、manned space flightも。
Crew Dragonは、打ち上げ後、弾道に乗り、ISSに接近、ドッキングしました。
The capsule was on the right trajectory to reach the ISS.
※trajectory= (発射物、ロケットなどの)弧、弾道、曲線
A SpaceX Crew Dragon has successfully performed an autonomous rendezvous and docking with the International Space Station (ISS).
※ISS=International Space Stationはthe orbiting laboratoryという言いかえも

約半年間の長期滞在ミッション=long-duration missionに挑むのは4名の宇宙飛行士=astronaut/aviatorです。
Crew Dragon Resilience is carrying NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins, Victor Glover, Shannon Walker and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi.
They will spend the next six months on board the ISS, spending time conducting microgravity studies and other scientific research.
During his present stay on the ISS through April, Noguchi is expected to carry out experiments involving iPS cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells(人工多能性幹細胞), which can be converted into any type of cell in the body, according to JAXA.

"I'm happy to have been able to witness the docking of a privately developed spacecraft. We crew have faced various difficulties, but we've managed to overcome them with 'total concentration.'"
He juxtaposed (並べる、並列する)the mission with the Japanese hit manga and anime series “Demon Slayer,” in which astronauts use and maximize their “individual strengths” toward a “common goal.”
On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated (=broke apart) while re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. (大気圏突入時に空中分解)
All seven astronauts aboard perished in the disaster. The loss of Columbia and its crew was the trigger for a dramatic shift in direction for America's human spaceflight program.
Then-president George W Bush announced in 2004 that the space shuttle would be retired after completion of the International Space Station (ISS).
NASA has been using Russian rockets for crewed flights since its space shuttle was retired in 2011.

そんな中、Elon Musk氏が率いる異端の新興企業であったSpaceXが、reusable rocketでコストを抑えるなど斬新な発想でライバル社を抑え台頭してきます。
The California-based company was once viewed as a maverick start-up but is now one of the space industry’s stalwarts and one of NASA’s most significant partners.
※stalwart =名:〔意志などが〕堅固な人 形:忠誠心のあつい
・SpaceX has leapfrogged its much older rival Boeing.
After a nine-year drought, since Space Shuttle program was shut down in 2011, NASA has finally launched its own astronauts from American soil.
※drought=日照り、干ばつ →長期の(深刻な)欠乏、不足