Sean Connery, the charismatic Scottish actor who rose to international superstardom as the suave secret agent James Bond has died. He was 90.
Connery skyrocketed to fame as the suave 007 in six Bond movies in the Sixties.
He was the first actor to play the MI6 agent on the big screen.
※007の読み方はdouble oh seven
※スパイはa spy, a secret agentの他、英国の秘密情報部の海外活動を担当するMI6も。MI=Military Intelligence
※諜報活動spying/ espionage
※suave=(人・態度・言葉遣いが)人当たりのいい、物腰の柔らかな、温厚な、ていねいな、上品な、(ワイン等が)口当たりのいい、しあげがなめらかな 語源:フランス語で感じのいい agreeable

Scottish icon Sean Connery was the first James Bond, and for many, the best Bond.
But by the time You Only Live Twice was completed, Connery was tiring of Bond and feared being typecast.
※typecast =役者に同じ役ばかり与える、観客のイメージを壊さないように〕役者のイメージを固定化される/役者のイメージにぴったりの役を与える

その後、人生経験を積んだ渋い個性派としての魅力を開拓し、40年に渡り多くの作品に出演しスクリーン上の存在感を残しました。"The Untouchables"では、主役のエリオットネス(ケビン・コスナー)を助ける老警官役でアカデミー賞助演男優賞=Academy Award for Best Supporting Actorも受賞します。
Connery, a commanding screen presence for some 40 years, was a prolific actor.
He won his Oscar for supporting actor in 1987 for his portrayal of a tough Chicago cop who joins Elliot Ness' crime-fighters in "The Untouchables."
Age only heightened the appeal of his dark stare and rugged brogue.
He set a celebrity record of sorts when at age 59 he was named People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive."
生まれは労働階級の生まれで、俳優になる前は、輝かしいキャリアstellar careerとは縁のない生活でした。
After leaving school at 14, he drudged through a number of blue-collar jobs, from truck driver to milkman - the worst of which, he would later say, was polishing coffins — before discovering acting.
Connery seemed destined for a far less glamorous life than the one he would later enjoy as one of the most popular leading men of his generation.
He joined the British navy and was medically discharged after three years. Three years later, he was invalided out of the service with stomach ulcers.
He was invalided out of the service with stomach ulcers.
He scraped a living any way he could. He drove trucks, worked as a lifeguard and posed as a model at the Edinburgh College of Art.
※scrape a living=辛うじて生計を立てる、どうにか暮らしていく
Bitten by the acting bug when odd-jobbing at a local theatre, he decided a footballer's career was potentially too short and opted to pursue his luck on the stage.
※bitten by the bug=熱狂的になる、熱意を持つ、ハマる、かぶれる
※odd job雑用、片手間仕事 →ここでは後ろにlocal theatreがあるので、ちょい役

Connery was knighted by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II in July 2000, but he was an advocate of Scottish independence.
Though he lived abroad for many years, Connery was a passionate supporter of Scottish independence, a donor to the Scottish National Party and had the words "Scotland Forever" tattooed on his arm.
The ashes of the late James Bond actor Sir Sean Connery are set to be scattered in Scotland, his widow Micheline Roquebrune has confirmed.
※scatter one's ashes=遺骨、遺灰をまく、散骨する
Connery is survived by his wife of 45 years and one son, Jason Connery, from his first marriage to actress Diane Cilento.