
A Japanese court on acquitted a former assistant nurse(⇒nurse aide) who was convicted of murder and spent 12 years in prison after the 2003 death of a patient, saying at the conclusion of her retrial it is highly likely the man died of natural causes.  

※acquit無罪にする ⇔convict有罪にする

She was exonerated by the Otsu District Court, with Presiding Judge saying there was "no foul play" in the incident.


※foul play=〔スポーツ競技などの〕反則、不正行為、殺人、他殺


When 72-year-old comatose patient(⇒patient in a vegetative state) died in 2003, police initially investigated the case as professional negligence resulting in death, suspecting that nurses failed to notice the alarm going off from his respirator that indicates that the tube had been detached.

※go offアラーム等が鳴る、爆発する



Since she performed poorly at school, Nishiyama had an inferiority complex toward her two older brothers, who graduated from prestigious universities. “I had feelings for the police officer and I was desperate to get his attention.”

Nishiyama has a mild degree of intellectual disability and had romantic feelings toward a police officer who interrogated her.  She later retracted her confession, claiming it was coerced by interrogators.



The police investigation, which induced a false confession apparently by taking advantage of Nishiyama’s nature and condition, deserves strong criticism.   

※induce=誘発する 誘導尋問はleading questionやloaded question



"We cannot rewind the time, but this case has raised a big question over how criminal justice works in Japan."