Katsuya Nomura died of ischemic heart failure in Tokyo on Feb. 11. He was 84.

Nomura was an outstanding catcher (名捕手)as well as an ace slugger(強打者) and fielder(野手), amassing 657 home runs and 2,901 hits. Both are the second most in Japanese professional baseball history.
Nomura was one of the most prolific batters in the history of Japanese baseball.
He was inducted into Japan's Baseball Hall of Fame in 1989.
※be inducted =(正式の手順で)組織・会の一員と認められる。
※殿堂入りした人、選手はhall of famer
Despite Nomura’s achievements, his team and the Pacific League in general were overshadowed by the star-studded Central League, which featured such legends as Sadaharu Oh and Shigeo Nagashima of the Yomiuri Giants.
※overshadow=影を薄くする、~の重要性を奪う、 ⇒eclipse
star-studded=①星が沢山の②スター勢ぞろいの studは飾り画鋲/動詞でちりばめる

“If Oh and Nagashima were sunflowers, then I would be an evening primrose opening up inconspicuously along the Sea of Japan.”
As a manager, he led the Hawks from 1970 to 1977 and later skippered the Yakult Swallows to four Central League and three Japan Series titles in the 1990s. He went on to manage the Hanshin Tigers before his final stint with the Eagles.
Nomura reformed Yakult’s play by analyzing streams of data on the team’s rivals.

IDはImportant dataの略とのこと。ID野球はNomura’s data-driven strategies as a managerとか、with an emphasis on data-oriented baseballと表現されていました。
He was also known as a “regenerating factory” for his ability to revive the careers of players who had been let go by other teams.
※戦力外通告は野球用語ではDFA=designated for assignment

outspoken=歯に衣着せぬ 彼女(後の夫人)が元で、監督を解任になったこともありました。
Sachiyo inserted herself into the day-to-day operations of the team, ensconcing herself in the manager's office and barking orders to the players. ←南海時代
※ensconce=快適に落ち着いて座る ensconce oneself=神輿を据える、いりびたる
Nomura resigned after his second wife was convicted for tax evasion. (脱税で有罪となる) ←阪神時代
He was affectionately called the “grumpy grandpa”(ぼやきおじさん)
※grumpy=気難しい、むっつりした 動詞:grumble=ぼやく
ノムさんの死亡記事=obituaryは、New York Timesでも、戦後の日本の野球界の大黒柱として異例の特集が組まれていました。
Katsuya Nomura, a mainstay of the baseball world in postwar Japan who was one of the country’s greatest catchers before going on to a long second career as a manager, died on Tuesday in Tokyo.

“Nomura minus baseball equals zero,” he once said. “There would be nothing left if you take baseball away from me.”
Baseball remained in his blood until the end.
※in someone's blood=体に染みついている[の一部になっている]〔資質・性格などが〕親譲り[血筋・血統]である