新型冠状(コロナ)ウィルスの勃発=the outbreak of a novel coronavirusが世界を脅かしています。
※novelは名詞で小説 形容詞で新しい種類の、奇抜な、いままでにない/(医学)〔ウイルスなどが〕新型の
Specter of possible new virus emerging from central China raises alarms across Asia(見出し)

Very little is known about this virus, which for the moment carries the scientific name 2019-nCoV, meaning “novel coronavirus.” Scientists are racing to learn more. Key questions to answer are how long the incubation period is, how long someone is infectious, and whether or not people can be asymptomatic and spread the virus.
※incubation period=培養期間、潜伏期間⇒period of latency/latent period
その後、人人感染=human-to-human transmission/person-to-person transmissionする事が判明。WHOは、このウイルスを原因とする病気の名称を「COVID-19」に、新型ウイルスを「SARS-CoV-2」と命名しました。
A newly identified coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (formerly 2019-nCoV) has been spreading.

Like other coronaviruses, it has come from animals. Many of those infected either worked or frequently shopped in the Huanan seafood wholesale market(海鮮卸市場)in the center of the Chinese city, which also sold live and newly slaughtered(畜殺する) animals. New and troubling viruses usually originate in animal hosts(動物宿主). Ebola and flu are examples.
Those who have fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and breathing difficulties. In severe cases there can be organ failure(臓器不全). As this is viral pneumonia(ウィルス性肺炎), antibiotics(抗生物質) are of no use. The antiviral drugs we have against flu will not work. If people are admitted to hospital, they may get support for their lungs and other organs as well as fluids. Recovery will depend on the strength of their immune system(免疫). Many of those who have died are known to have been already in poor health.

春節時に拡大する恐れがあり、1100万の武漢市は1月23日に封鎖されました。各国はチャーター機 government-chartered evacuation flightで、武漢に暮らす自国民を避難させていました。=evacuate/whisk away
There were fears that the coronavirus might spread more widely during the week-long lunar new year holidays, which started on 24 January. On 23 January 2020, the central government of the People's Republic of China imposed a lockdown in Wuhan, Hubei in an effort to quarantine the epicenter of a newly discovered novel coronavirus to prevent an epidemic.
Major avenues in Beijing, normally teeming with pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, are eerily empty.
※teem with=~で満ちあふれている

Infrared thermometers have been installed at airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations and ferry terminals.
感染経路は主に飛沫感染=droplet infection ですが、マスクの買い占めで店の棚が空っぽになりました。
The mask hoarding has begun.
Drug stores are scrambling to restock their supply of surgical masks to keep up with growing demand as fears deepen over the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Thousands of passengers and crew members on the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship were held on board after a recent passenger tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.
※test positive=検査で陽性反応が出る ⇔陰性はnegative
The government is asking all passengers and crew to stay inside their rooms as much as possible on the ship for 14 days from Wednesday as it continues screening.