Sadako Ogata, the first woman to serve as United Nations High ommissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has died at the age of 92.
1991 ~ 2000年の任期=stint/tenureは、世界中で人道危機が勃発した時代。著書「紛争と難民――緒方貞子の回想」で、難民高等弁務官の仕事は、世界中の大陸で起こる人道危機の「消防隊」のようだったと書かれています。
Ogata began her stint at the U.N. refugee agency as civil conflicts and thnic cleansing erupted in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda.
In her book, “The Turbulent Decade — Confronting the Refugee Crises of the 1990s,” Ogata described her decadelong career at UNHCR during a period of constant humanitarian crises, in which the “UNHCR worked like fire brigades through all the continents of the world.”
※fire brigade=消防隊
She was a trailblazer for Japanese women aspiring to work on the international stage.
blaze a trail=(未開の森林の中を進む際に)樹皮を焼いて道しるべとなる印を付ける→先導的役割を果たす
他にfrontrunner、a pioneer in humanitarianism、an outstanding role model for women、paragon for international leadershipなどと表現されていました。

First impressions were that she was too quiet, too self-effacing and too timid.
Ogata soon became known by the affectionate moniker the “diminutive giant,” mainly for her resolute decision-making during the Yugoslav civil wars.

She was known for donning a helmet and flak jacket on trips into the field.
※flak=対空射撃 防弾チョッキはbulletproof vest[jacket]もOK。
In an era of tumult, Ogata, with her deft diplomacy and hands-on approach, won global respect not only from world leaders and U.N. staff but also from refugees — some of whom even named their children after her.
※hands-on approach=現場主義→a hands-on policyもOK hand on=実践の、現場の
国内避難民Internally Displaced Person問題に取り込むことを決めたのも緒方さんでした。
The biggest change she made to the UNHCR came on her return to Geneva after her experience among the Kurdish refugees. She called together senior staff on a Saturday for a debrief.
In the middle of it, almost casually, she announced unilaterally that in future UNHCR would help not only refugees crossing borders but also those displaced internally by conflict.

曽祖父は犬養毅元首相。聖心女子大英文科の一期生。「日本はなぜ戦争を始めたのか」との思いで、米国で国際関係論を専攻。結婚しmother of two(二児の母)になって後、国際基督教大で指導、研究。
60歳を過ぎてから難民救済の道に飛び込み、現場主義を貫かれました。2002年、当時の小泉純一郎首相から外相就任の要請があった際も「難民支援のキャリアを全うしたい」として固辞された、Grande dame in humanitarian efforts(人道的取り組みに大きな功績を残した女性の大御所)でした。
※grande dame =A woman holding an influential position within a particular sphere.