
Despicable peer bullying among teachers in Kobe shocks society(社説の見出し)

※despicable=(人の行為などが)卑しむべき、卑劣な   語源:despise(軽蔑する)+able

※peer=(地位、年齢、能力などが)同等の人、匹敵する人、同僚、仲間 → co-worker(同じ職場(現場)で働く仕事仲間)、colleague(同じ会社(グループ)で働く人)

※bullying=いじめ   →hazing:新人しごき


There is a video of the victim, who cannot eat spicy foods, being held down and force-fed ultra-spicy curry.


※be held down=押さえつける、低く維持する

A male elementary school teacher who was reportedly bullied by four colleagues is seen with his arms pinned back (腕を後ろ手に固定されて)while being forced to eat spicy curry.

A local education board revealed that a male teacher in his 20s complained of being bullied by four senior colleagues, claiming they daubed curry on his body and rubbed spicy soup against his eyes.

※daub=(泥や塗料を)ぬりつける、なすりつける ※rub=こする、すりつける、する込む

男性の弁護士は、毎日のように叩かれる、煮えたやかんを押し当てる、暴言、プリントを汚される等の50 different forms of harassmentがあったと説明しました。

According to the explanation of events provided by the man's lawyer, the bullying began in the spring of 2018.

The victim was reportedly slapped almost every day, had his face pushed toward a kettle filled with boiling water, and had his jeans torn, among other bullying. 

He was reportedly also subjected to verbal abuse(暴言), including that his father was scum(浮きカス→(口語)くず、かす), had water dripped onto handouts he was going to give to students, and was warned against coming to observe other lessons on the grounds that he "would make the classroom dirty."

His tormentors(苦しめる人) climbed on the roof of his car and also coerced him into sending a sexual message to a female colleague. 


One of four teachers accused of bullying their colleagues at an elementary school in Kobe also encouraged pupils to defy authority and create chaos in class.

The teacher told children to rebel so as to “ruin class.”


※rebel=謀反を起こす、(権威などに)背く、反抗する、そむく 名詞:反逆者



When questioned by the education board, some of the offenders are said to have shrugged off those deeds as just “pranks.”


※shrug off(取るに足らないと)無視する、払いのける



The victim, who has been absent from work since the start of September due to poor health, is also expected to submit an application for workers compensation for public employees.