環境活動団体「Just Stop Oil」のメンバーが、ゴッホの名画masterpiece『ひまわり』=Sunflowerにトマトスープを投げつけるという騒動を起こしました。

➣A pair of environmentalists hurled two cans of tomato soup on Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” painting in London’s national gallery.


➾vandalize=(芸術・文化・公共施設などを)破壊する 名詞:vandalism(破壊行為)vandal(心なき破壊者) 彼らのことは、eco-vandalsや、eco-terrorist等で表現されていました。


“Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting, or the protection of our planet and people?” 

The organization campaigns against the use of fossil fuels. The group is demanding the British government halt new oil and gas projects.

※JUST STOP OILは2022年2月14日に設立。an off-shoot of Extinction Rebellion(略:ER)とよく説明されています。

The ER describes itself as an international "non-violent civil disobedience" movement.


➣London's Metropolitan Police (Service) arrested the two on suspicion of criminal damage and aggravated trespass.

※MPS=「ロンドン警視庁」のあだ名はScotland Yard(住所より)

※criminal damage=法律用語で「器物損壊罪」 ➾辞書にはproperty destructionやproperty damage

※trespass =不法侵入 aggravatedは悪化した、悪質な、加重事由のある➾法:「加重」

※aggravated trespassは、不法侵入しただけでなく、侵入した先で人を威嚇したり、活動を妨害したりすることを指す


➣Thankfully these artworks have been covered by protective barriers, preventing their destruction by these publicity stunts.


チャールズ国王の蝋人形の顔にケーキを塗りたくり、『石油を使うな!私たちの要求は簡単だ(It’s a piece of cake.)』と叫んだり、ビートルズを真似るパフォーマンスのあと横断歩道に座り込みをしたり、高速道路M25の信号台=gantryによじ登り、朝の通勤ラッシュを妨害するなど、COP27開催に合わせて様々な奇妙で注目を集める抗議活動を繰り広げています。

➣Just Stop Oil has pulled a number of bizarre and attention-grabbing stunts in recent weeks.

➣Two supporters of Just Stop Oil have covered a Madame Tussauds waxwork model of King Charles III with chocolate cake, demanding that the Government halts all new oil and gas licenses and consents.

※蝋人形=waxwork/wax figure/wax model/wax doll

➣Four protesters have been arrested after Just Stop Oil activists blocked traffic at the famous Abbey Road crossing in London.

➣A Just Stop Oil activist filmed a tearful video address after she climbed a gantry along the M25 causing major travel disruption for hundreds of drivers on the motorway.

➣The demonstrations come as the latest COP27 international climate change talks in Egypt get under way.


➣Nothing justifies vandalism.

➣"Jail isn't enough."

➣"Let's stop calling these people ‘environmental activists’ and start calling them vandals."


➣Aileen Getty, whose grandfather was oil tycoon Jean Paul Getty, established the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), which allegedly donated nearly one million pounds to Just Stop Oil.