
An executive at Yoshinoya Co., Japan's ubiquitous beef bowl chain, has been dismissed over a gaffe he made at Waseda university.


・gaffeは(社交・外交上の)失敗、非礼、へま  失言はverbal blunderもOK

※口を滑らすこと=slop of the tongue/lapse of the tongueなど

※不適切な発言=improper remark/inappropriate commentなど

※牛丼をもう少し詳しく説明すると:Gyudon is sliced marinated beef on top of rice in a bowl


He called on students to come up with an attractive marketing strategy that would get “innocent young girls” hooked on the meal as though it were a drug.

・come up with (アイディアを)考えつく

・get hooked on ~にひっかける、病みつきにさせる、夢中にさせる

その他、make them prisoners and addicted to drugや、

the enticement of a young girl from the countryside who does not know well at first how to behave and make it completely subjugated

"It's like a plan to get a green young girl from the countryside who doesn't know what's what to use Yoshinoya and get her totally hooked."




・green 未熟な、うぶな

・what’s what (話)事のすべて、常識


He prefaced(前置きを述べる) the statement with an apology in case it offended attendees, according to Yoshinoya Holdings.

・preface 前置きして始める/序文、前口上

・offend 不快感を与える

The remark instantly became viral, sparking widespread criticism on social media.

・become/go viral 情報が拡散する、バズる


The Yoshinoya refused to allow a university student to attend a recruitment event after assuming the student was a foreign national.

The company's action drew a backlash on social media after the student posted about it.



Such moves could cast doubt on Yoshinoya’s corporate culture itself.