
A pedestrian was attacked by a chemical substance, likely sulfuric acid, at Tokyo Metro Co.’s Shirokane-Takanawa Station in Tokyo’s Minato Ward on Aug. 24. 

After the attack, the man told bystanders(居合わせた人、傍観者) he could not see.

※sulfuric 硫黄=sulfurを多量に含む

※酸攻撃=acid attacks、acid throwing


The incident, which occurred in a high-end residential area → upscale area, prompted police to seal off the station entrance with many officers on alert. 

※high-end 洗練された客向けの


Subway operations were not affected, as the suspect fled the station.

→The assailant fled from the scene. 



A 34-year-old woman close by was also injured. They remain conscious with non-life-threatening injuries. 

The man sustained/suffered severe burns to his face, shoulder and neck as well as cornea damage in both eyes.  


※sustain ①支える ②持続させる  ③(損害を)こうむる →suffer

※cornea 角膜 retinaは網膜


Hirotaka Hanamori, 25 was placed on a nationwide wanted list.

The police had been tracking the whereabouts of Hanamori as he was spotted on a security camera at Shizuoka Station on Wednesday afternoon.

沖縄で発見され、傷害容疑で逮捕となりました。悪質な行為a vicious and heinous crimeですが殺人罪になりません。

Police arrested a fugitive (逃亡者) within 24 hours of placing him on the most wanted list.

Hanamori was arrested on suspicion of inflicting bodily harm.

→ Hanamori was arrested on suspicion of battery.




It was revealed that Hanamori was his victim’s senpai in the same extra-curricular film club while they both attended a university in Okinawa Prefecture.

※extracurricular club. 〔学校の〕課外活動としてのクラブ


The victim told police about Hanamori, “When I called him a few years ago, ‘Hey, Hanamori,’ without using the honorific title=敬称、尊称, he scolded me that I should call him Hanamori-san.” It is not clear whether this was related to the attack.


Police are interrogating for a clearer picture of what triggered this disturbing assault.

※interrogate 尋問する、取り調べる →grill

※disturbing (治安・平静・秩序等を)かき乱す、混乱させる、不安にさせる

※assault (突然の)激しい襲撃    indecent assault 〔法律〕強制わいせつ罪