
The Suez Canal is an artery of world trade, connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, and providing an avenue for vessels to pass between Asia and the Middle East and Europe.

About 12% of global trade passes through the Suez Canal.

※canal=運河、用水路 アクセントは後ろkənǽl

※artery=(交通・通信・流通の)幹線、動脈 医学用語の動脈⇔vein(静脈) 


The 400-meter-long Ever Given ship ran aground on March 23. 

座礁した船:the stranded ship


=skyscraper-sized Ever Given/mammoth container ship/colossal container ship



Evergreen Marine became wedged at an angle in Egypt’s Suez Canal on March 23.

※wedge くさび/動詞:くさびで留める、無理やり押し込む、詰め込む

※at an angle 斜めに、傾斜して

The skyscraper-sized Ever Given had been firmly lodged since last Tuesday.


海難救助作戦=salvage operationは、水位の上がる満月に、複数のタグボートや浚渫船を使い、船首をねじり動かした。

Helped by the peak of high tide, a flotilla of tugboats managed to wrench the bulbous bow of the skyscraper-sized Ever Given from the canal's sandy bank.

※flotilla=小艦隊 a small fleet of ships or boats



※bow=船首 ⇔stern

The freeing of the vessel came after dredgers vacuumed up sand and mud from the vessel's bow and 10 tugboats pushed and pulled the vessel for five days, managing to partially refloat it at dawn.


※refloat=離礁させる →set free/free/dislodge等


Giant ship blocking Suez Canal is freed(見出し)

Salvage teams set free a colossal container ship that has halted global trade through the Suez Canal, bringing an end to a crisis that for nearly a week had clogged one of the world's most vital maritime arteries.


At the time of the incident, the Ever Given was owned by a Japanese company, chartered by a Taiwanese conglomerate, managed by German operators, sailed by a crew of Indian nationals, registered in Panama and transiting in Egypt.  


finger pointing (責任のなすりつけ、不法な非難)が続く中、スエズ運河庁は、Ever Givenを差し押さえ、船主の正栄汽船に賠償請求をしています。

Ever Given impounded in Suez Canal(見出し)→forfeit/seize/arrest

An Egyptian court ordered the vessel’s Japanese owner to pay $900 million in compensation as a result of losses.

A dilemma emerges over who might foot the bill. 

※foot the bill 〔~のための〕経費を負担する] 〔他人の行為の〕責任を取る

Shoei Kisen said it is still in negotiations with other parties over liabilities.

※liabilities=負債、債務 ⇔assets