トランプ大統領は、1年の施政方針を示す一般教書演説=State of the Union Addressを行い、「偉大なアメリカの再起」をテーマに、実績をアピールしました。
President Donald Trump used his State of the Union address to extol a "Great American Comeback" on his watch, just three years after he took office decrying a land of "American carnage" under his predecessor.(ABCより)
※extol=ほめたたえる、激賞する、称揚する →praise enthusiastically
※on one’ s watch~の監督下で
※decry= 公然として非難する、けなす、罵倒する→publicly denounce
※carnage=殺戮 過去の政権への批判を表して、アメリカの殺伐、アメリカの惨状等と訳される。
演説前、大統領は、弾劾=impeachmentを先導した、女性初の下院議長=The speaker of the House of Representatives/House Speakerのナンシー・ペロシ氏の、差し出さした握手を無視。するとペロシは、大統領を紹介する際の慣例的な敬語表現をカットしました。
President Trump declined to shake the hand of Speaker Nancy Pelosi before his State of the Union Address.
The speaker then omitted the customary laudatory words from her introduction of him.
※通常は、“Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.”と言いますが、customary laudatory words(下線部分)を飛ばしました。
演説中、トランプがstanding ovationを受ける中、唇をかみしめて憮然とした表情の白い服のペロシ。白はアメリカの歴史上、女性の政治参加を象徴する色。多くの民主党女性議員は白を着て、女性の権利拡大に後ろ向きな姿勢を見せてきたトランプ氏に対する抗議の意思表示を示しました。
During the address, as Mr. Trump read from the teleprompter, Ms. Pelosi, dressed in white — the color of the suffragists, worn by many of the Democratic women in the chamber — could be seen behind him, paging through his speech.
Practiced at maintaining a stone face, she kept her lips pursed and her eyes down, mostly remaining seated as Republicans rose to give Mr. Trump one standing ovation after another.

"She invented this weird walrus clap that was mocking, aggressive, and delightfully surreal all at the same time."
Nancy Pelosi's 'sarcastic' clap became an instant meme.
go viralもありましたが、memeの方が、画像や、面白おかしく作り直されたりして拡散するものに使われます。
Meme is like a joke, but with an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users.

After his address, she ripped up her copy of his speech.
Trump and Pelosi Exchange Snubs at the State of the Union Address(見出しより)
"I have never seen anybody act so childish in my life."
The gesture was particularly out of character for the speaker, who prides herself on exhibiting proper decorum.
※out of character =その人らしくない、柄にもない ※decorum= (動作の)端正,礼儀正しさ
Republicans called the speech-ripping beyond the pale.
※beyond the pale =範囲外に、境界を越えて、常軌を逸した、社会の常識をはずれて paleが限界
一年前には、不法移民の親に連れてこられドリーマー(=young undocumented migrants brought to the US as children.)を救う法案を成立させるために、8時間を超える議事妨害演説を行ったペロシ氏。
Wearing four-inch heels and forgoing any breaks, Perosi spent the majority of her time reading letters from Dreamers.
Her filibuster-style speech toped eight hours in a bid to force the immigration bill.
※forgo=(楽しみなどを)差し控える、なしで済ませる、do without

In many ways, Nancy Pelosi is the original Badass Woman of Washington.